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Temporary Schools Special Public Investment Project (PEIP) Bicentennial Schools Package 3 and 4

Temporary Schools Special Public Investment Project (PEIP) Bicentennial Schools Package 3 and 4

Project Description:

The DVC-Saceem Consortium was in charge of the design and construction of 31 temporary schools as part of Stage 1 of the Special Public Investment Project (PEIP) Bicentenario Schools Package 3 and 4, which will benefit 31,380 children in Lima, with an area Approximate construction of 32,600 m2. They were executed in a record time of 75 days. Its purpose is to provide continuity to curricular activities while the demolition and construction of the permanent schools corresponding to stage 2 is carried out.

The temporary schools were built mainly using modules made up of a concrete foundation slab, main metal structures and drywall enclosures, allowing construction time to be optimized without compromising the quality and safety of the facilities.

Project Info


Ministry of Education - Peru
