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icon_widget_image Brecha 572, Montevideo, Uruguay

Diesel and naphtha desulfurization plant – ANCAP

Diesel and naphtha desulfurization plant – ANCAP

Project Description:
Important contract with the national oil company, in a consortium. Amount greater than 90 MUSD.
SP4: Work on existing storage and pumping facilities (mainly a new 30,000 m3 tank).
SP11: Distributed control system (upgrade and expansion of the existing Honeywell system). New control room to be installed and put into operation.
SP1: Gas-oil hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of 18,000 barrels/day + amines unit + acid water treatment unit SP12: demolitions and area conditioning to locate new HDS unit.
SP3: Sulfur recovery of 34 tons/day: 2 Claus trains of 17 tons/day each + tail gas treatment.
SP8: Area reclaimed from the sea for HDS implementation.
SP7: Electrical work: substations, CCMs, and interconnections.
SP2: Gasoline hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of 5,000 barrels/day (Axens “Prime G” technology).
SP10: Site preparation for gasoline HDS unit.
SP7: Electrical work: substations, CCMs, and interconnections.

Project Info


