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icon_widget_image Brecha 572, Montevideo, Uruguay

Road Corridor routes 21-24 –PPP

Road Corridor routes 21-24 –PPP

Project Description:

First road project awarded in Public-Private Participation modality in Uruguay, involving design, construction, operation and financing of road infrastructure. Route 21 was rebuilt in asphalt and Route 24 entirely in concrete, applying state-of-the-art technology. The project included the Nueva Palmira Bypass (length 8.5 km), Route 21 (section: Nueva Palmira-Route Nº2, length 79.5 km) and Route 24 (section: ROUTE Nº2 – ROUTE Nº3, length 48 km). The execution of the rehabilitation works on routes 21 and 24 and the rehabilitation of 11 bridges were carried out with uninterrupted traffic during the works.

Project Info


